What is Test and Tag? Complete 101 Guide

What is Test and Tag? Complete 101 Guide

October 11, 2020 Off By Evelyn Wagner

This article will provide an overview of what is test and tag, the requirements of a test and tag inspection, as well as detail on how to complete a successful test and tag inspection.

Test and tag are an important part of electrical safety in the workplace.

Having your employees tested for shocks before they begin their work, will keep them safe from any sort of accidental shock that might happen when working on equipment.

This blog post will give you a complete guide to test and tag so you can be sure everyone at your place of employment is using it correctly.

The phrase “test and tag” refers to testing all-electric systems in a building or area before they are put back into service.

The purpose of this is to ensure that there are no problems with the system, such as damaged insulation or exposed wires, which could result in electrocution if someone comes into contact with them while they’re life (powered).

What is Test & Tag?

Many companies today need to comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (EWR) which states employees must be protected from any risk related to electrical equipment they may come into contact with during their work.

The only way this can be done properly is by having electrical systems tested fully and tagging them accordingly, this ensures that all electrical systems meet the necessary safety standards before they are used.

The most common reason for undergoing testing is because most employees would not know how dangerous it could be working near electrical equipment if there was no testing taking place, as such, it is extremely important that those electrical systems are found by employees and those in charge come to a decision as to whether or not they need testing.

Entering into the world of test and tag inspections all sounds rather daunting, however, there are many benefits for an organization to take part – the most prominent being the ability to prove compliance with EWR; ensure all electrical systems meet safety standards prior to use and saving lives.

Not only this but having your electricity systems tested and tagged will help save money by reducing costs like insurance premiums and can even make your company more appealing when looking at future business opportunities.

There are several things that must be taken into account when performing a test and tag inspection; these include making sure that all equipment is tested and tagged by a professional, the types of tags used on different equipment, as well as how to fill out an inspection report.

It is important to note that there are various different types of testing that can be completed, these include: Motor Testing – anything from industrial machinery to electric fencing must have a motor test certificate before it can be used, this will show whether or not the motor is deemed safe for use due to any risk factors like insulation damage caused over time.

Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) – This type of testing deals with electrical appliances like heaters, kettles, and more; every single one of these items needs to be PAT tested in order for them to be up-to-date with safety standards.

Fault Finding – this type of test is used to detect any faults within the electrical system, if there are any it is important that they be located and fixed by trained professionals with the correct equipment for this job.

Electrical Inspection – another name given to a test and tag inspection; this will determine whether or not all systems meet safety standards and can be put into use as soon as possible.

Before starting an inspection it is essential to keep in mind that work must not start until you have received permission from those who own the premises, as well as those who do not need to complete testing such as PAT testers.

If work does need to take place without expressed permission then an enforcement order must be filled out and displayed somewhere on-site so that both employees and members of the public are aware that testing is being carried out.

In order to ensure all electrical systems at your workplace meet necessary safety standards, it is recommended that a test and tag inspection takes place every five years across the board, this ensures everything from industrial machinery to doorbells have undergone some form of testing so you can rest assured they are safe for use.

For some businesses, especially those in the retail industry, there may be a need for slightly more frequent inspections as often appliances will need replacing far more regularly than once every five years.

It’s important to note that every single test must be logged in to an inspection report along with any issues or faults that were found during testing; if no faults or problems were detected then a clear pass statement is included in the report.

This inspection report will need to be kept on file for a minimum of two years from when it was filled out, and a copy must also be given to the owner of the premises.

It’s important that all businesses understand what a test and tag inspection entail before they start, this ensures that everything runs smoothly throughout the testing period and no mistakes are made which could result in serious injury or damage to equipment.

For more information on how you can get your company set up with a test and tag inspection program contact TAG today.